Hello, Friends and Family of Secret Santa Over Atlanta!
It has almost been a year, and we will soon be kicking off our 12th year this season, thanks to all of your support. I know this is a little early for an email; however, we wanted to make sure to reach the most families and donors possible this year. So, I’m asking that if you know anyone who would like to be added to our distribution list, please email me their name and number.
Also, as you are planning your end-of-year and holiday gift-giving, please keep Secret Santa at the top of your list. There are so many families struggling again this year with the cost of gas, groceries, and the general cost of living (like the power bill that seems to double every month!). Last year we spent over $10,000 and were able to provide books, toys, food, stockings, lunch boxes, and a wonderful Christmas to 6 families, thanks to you! This year may also present a challenge for us as the Dollar Tree is now the Dollar Twenty-Five Tree, and Five Below is now Five and Up, to name a few. We are up to this challenge, though, and will provide a wonderful Christmas for several families again!
If you would like a refresher, please check out our website and photos of last year's festive fun at www.secretsantaoveratlanta.com. To make a donation, we have provided a link on our website or you can Venmo your donation to @Lydia-Whitner (remember, we aren’t a 501C3). Please make sure to mark your donation as Secret Santa. If you prefer to make your donation more personal, we will be sending out the Amazon wish list as soon as we have touched base with the families.
Thank you again for all of your support! We will be in touch very soon to begin our updates!
Santa and Mrs. Claus